Natural Skin Care Treament For Acne

How To Smooth Out Acne's Bumpy Road

A natural skin care for treatment for acne will always treat the body first, main stream medicine and over the counter treatments for acne always treat the symptom as the cause, which is wrong.

Acne appears on the skin and it is a natural reaction to want to treat it there. But consider for a moment how did I get acne? Acne did not originate on your skin, so would it not make sense to treat the cause. Acne will occur in most cases with hormone disruption. If you want to get rid of acne the best place to start is from the inside out.

The skin is a mirror image of the internal health of your body.Acne and other skin disorders is an outward sign of stressed systems within the body. There are many conditions which can contribute to acne formation. Herdity and family history of acne is often suspected as a contibutor to acne. The probability of developing acne is higher but that doesn't mean that acne will develop. Heridty is not a major factor.

Acne can occur during puberty when sex hormones (androgen) in boys and (estrogen) in girls upsets the normal function of the sebacious glands.Too much oil is produced and combined with dead skin cells which become trapped in the foliclles, allow bacteria and infection to develop. The result is acne or other skin disorders.

Adult acne can be from many sources as well.

stress (emotional and metabolic)
In women, hormone regulators
poor diet
sleep disorders
toxic bowel and parasites

The most common cause of hormone disruption other than puberty is toxemia of the bowel. Candida is also a serious contributor to toxemia and hormone disruption.

High emotional stress is very destructive to the entire body, and can upset normal hormone balance of the entire body, including the skin.If you have high stress levels no treatment will be effective in the control of acne, no matter what the cause, so try your best to understand your stress and get it under control.

A Simple 3 Step Natural Skin Treatment For Acne

Acne sufferers will benefit greatly from a complete detox program including eliminating accumlated fecal matter in the bowel. Toxic stress of the bowel is a very common cause of many skin disorders. The cleaner the blood, the cleaner the body, the more skin conditions will improve.

Improving the diet by including lots of raw greens, fruits and vegetables, jucing is best as the body can assimulate and digest liquids much easier and faster than eating raw fruits and vegetables whole. There is a wide variety of books and recipes on jucing with many excellent and delicious recipes.

Reducing or eliminating refined sugar, white flour products, hydrogenated oils and saturated animal fats is a definite plus not only to help clear acne but make major improvements to your health as well.

After a cleanse and improvement to the diet you are giving your body back the ability to heal. For your skin pure organic skin care products that feed nutrients to the skin will help in the healing process of existing damage that much faster.

Getting acne under control without harmful drugs using a simple 3 step natural skin care treatment for acne, get results that are long lasting