7 Ways To Conquer Acne

Reports show that over 90 percent of all adolescents and almost 25 percent of all adults suffer from acne at some time. Acne affects males and females worldwide, regardless of nationality.
The most effective methods to combat acne include a combination of prevention and better skincare.

Here are some of the ways you can use to prevent and treat acne:

1. Exercise

Regular exercise can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. But avoid wearing tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits. These synthetic fabrics that tend to trap body moisture and heat, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Stick to loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends, and keep your sports gear and equipment clean.

2. Safe Cosmetics

To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that can contribute to acne, use products labeled "noncomedogenic" or "oil-free." Opt for "hypo-allergenic" perfumes and cosmetics to avoid allergic reactions and skin irritation. Coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes can cause reactions.

Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog pores. Use a lip gloss with a matte finish for less pore-clogging. The more the shine, the more then comedogenic content and the more your pores can clog.

3. Healthy Diet

Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is best for your body is best for your skin. So make sure you get enough vitamins, minerals and supplements that have been known and recommended to prevent and help conquer acne breakouts. These include

  • Vitamin A or Retinol (High doses are toxic)
  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • L-Carnitine
  • Zinc

A good quality brand name multivitamin will probably have the recommended vitamins and minerals that you need to help with acne prevention. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day and making good, healthy dietary food choices.

3. Hormonal Treatment

Hormones (or a lack of them) during later years - especially for women - can play a role in acne flare-ups and prevention. One recent study showed that about 50 percent of women have acne, referred to as hormonal acne, problems during the week before their menstruation.

Treatment options include topical retinoids, oral antibiotics and Benzoyl Peroxide for teen years. For adults oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) may be helpful for women, combined with systemic or topical treatments, prescription or over-the-counter products and medications.

4. Healthy Skin Regimen

Avoid harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation or possible over production of oil to replace what's washed off, clogging pores in the process. Use products with gentle exfoliation ingredients and skip products that contain alcohol.

5. Acne Products

Some of the more popular products on the market that can prevent acne include:

  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Proactiv® Solution
  • Salicylic Acid
  • Retinoids
  • Antibiotics
  • Oral Contraceptives
  • Anti-Androgens
  • Isotretinoin (Accutane)

6. Shaving

Shaving is actually an excellent way of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and spreading of acne instead of leaving the remains to clog pores. And for some light acne cases already in process, shaving can help rid whiteheads and blackheads from the face. Do not shave areas taht are sore or infected. Use a shaving cream for sensitive skin.

Shave with a sharp blade. Use gentle swipes instead of heavy pressure and go with the flow or "grain." A single-edged blade is better than a twin-blade razor. Electric razors may not shave as close to the skin, but they help with the prevention of acne and other skin breakouts and flare-ups better.

7. Stress

Stress includes external and internal stressors. External Stressors are those that compromise your skin's ability to heal, like oily make-up and too much sun. Internal stressors like anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, depression and a variety of other internalized emotions, can trigger chemical reactions inside your body that can result in acne flare-ups and other skin irritations.

To combat internal stressors and prevent acne problems, get plenty of rest and sleep. Try to maintain regular hours. Keep a check list of "Things that Calm You" handy for stressful times, like reading a book, resting, listening to music, taking a walk, going out for an ice cream cone, etc.

Acne and Skin Problem Myths Debunked

Isn't skin a wonderful thing to have?

An obvious benefit of skin is that it protects our bodies' internal organs from harmful elements like dirt, insects, bites, toxic chemicals, nasty weather, and the like, and it certainly is more attractive than what's underneath.

When skin is healthy it's nice to look at, but when it's diseased, it can not only affect you physically, but more painfully can cause stress and social problems.

Like the common cold, acne and similar skin diseases can be treated and covered up, but cannot really be cured. The best treatment is prevention and knowledge about what makes your skin happy, so that you can avoid skin care enemies and breakout triggers.

The real cause of acne can vary from individual to individual, but some factors can be stated with relative certainty:

1. Acne occurs when pores or hair follicles become blocked or clogged.

2. There are basically 4 types of acne manifestations: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and nodules.

3. Acne can appear pretty much anywhere on the skin, though it causes the most concern when it shows up on the face. The worst forms of acne break out, however, on the chest and back, and most commonly on males rather than females because of hormonal differences.

4. There are many common myths and untruths about acne, rosacea, and other skin care problems.

Some acne myths include "you'll outgrow it, so leave it alone", "being out in the sun helps acne", "acne problems are directly or indirectly proportionate to sexual activity", "acne visits dirty people", "acne is contagious", and too many more to list in this short article.

The sad thing is that belief in the myths can be devasting, in that proper treatment is avoided, and lifestyle changes that don't need to be made can take away pleasure unnecessarily.

For example, at one point in my life, I truly believed that I was allergic to chocolate and that it caused my breakouts. Whenever I would succumb to the temptation and have "just a little" I would stress out waiting for the red spots, and sure enough they would appear.

After several years and much experimentation, I learned I had no allergy, the stress was a trigger for me, and a new over the counter face scrub has kept me in the clear ever since.

Knowing what triggers your breakouts can be the difference between constant battles and healthy skin. The Internet is a wonderful place to get the information you need, so stop stressing out and learn what it takes to put your best face forward.

Acne Scars

cne is an inflammation of the skin that affects people from every country and every culture around the world. In the US, acne is predominantly thought of as a teenage dilemma, as more than eighty percent of teens and preteens will develop some form of acne. However, the condition certainly affects a large number of adults and even infants. The scientific name for the condition is acne vulgaris because acne usually strikes in plainly visible locations such as the face, neck, chest and back. There are various types of acne that range in annoyance, severity, and healing time. The most severe type of acne may even lead to scars that if not treated properly, may be visible for a lifetime. If you or a loved one is troubled by severe acne, here's what you need to know about acne scars and what you need to do to avoid and care for them.

How Does Acne Form?

Contact with an oily substance such as mineral oil, vegetable oil, or petroleum is a potential cause of acne, as is the use of certain medication and steroids. However, acne is most often cause by the secretion of androgens. Acne is also aggravated by milk or dairy products, red meat and fast food. Androgens are sex hormones that are initially secreted at the onset of puberty. They are male hormones but they are secreted by females as well. Androgens stimulate the production of oil from the skin's oil glands. Acne occurs when these overactive oil glands become blocked, causing the oil to build up in the gland and swell. A bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes normally colonizes this swollen gland causing the development of inflammation and pus. In particularly severe cases, the glands may burst into the skin and produce cysts.

Types Of Acne

Acne blemishes are categorized into four grades, ranging from mild to very severe.

Grade I: Mild acne falls into this category. People with grade I acne generally have blackheads and whiteheads but pimples are not present.
Grade II: The condition is considered moderate acne when blackheads, whiteheads, and small pimples are present, but they are confined to the face and the inflammation they cause is minimal.
Grade III: Severe acne includes blackheads, whiteheads, and deeper pimples with more pronounced swelling.
Grade IV: acne is considered very severe when it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result if the condition is not cared for properly.
Preventing Acne Scars

The most important rule for acne sufferers to remember is that you should never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead to the spread of acne and the development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of herbal, homeopathic, and traditional formulas that can be used to treat acne and prevent the development of acne scars. Herbs work naturally with the body to reduce acne blemishes and prevent the development of acne scars. Echinacea and poke root are often used for their anti-inflammatory properties and red clover may be beneficial for its estrogenic action. Witch hazel has excellent astringent properties and may be very effective on acne.

Relieving Acne Scars

Acupuncture: Stagnant of Chi in the channels of the face is said to be the cause of acne. Acupuncture performed on these points of the face may help relieve acne, and prevent the development of acne scars.

Surgery: In moderate to severe cases of acne, doctors may use surgery to open up the blemishes and remove blackheads and whiteheads. Unlike medication treatments, the effects of acne surgery are usually more immediate. And surgery is also effective in reducing the development and visibility of acne scars.

Cleaning the intestinal Tract: Acne can be a by-product of a filthy intestinal tract and colon. In most cases when the colon is clean the acne will go away. I recommend the intestinal cleanser Oxy-Powder.

A Permanent Cure For Acne - Discover If it Exists

If your acne is constantly causing pain and worry in your life, you can't wait any more. The longer you let your acne control your life, the harder it will be to regain your confidence and social skills. I can relate because I was a chronic acne sufferer myself. In this article, I'm going tell you about a permanent cure for acne.

Growing up with acne, I was misinformed by a lot of different people and doctors. I was always told that my acne was due mostly to my genes and that the only way to solve the problem was with medication. This is absolutely not true.

Acne can be cured forever by simply balancing the internal processes in the body. When you're a teenager, your hormones throw the body out of balance. But when you're older it's caused by environmental factors. Both hormones and these environmental factors are to blame for disturbing chemical balances and causing acne to persist.

So, there really is a permanent cure for acne. It exists, and it is not at all hard to implement. It is possible to cure acne extremely fast, and cure acne forever but the answer is probably not what you think.

The permanent cure for acne is to always have a good chemical balance in your body. This is achieved by eating a healthy diet, and doing a mini detox or fast sporadically to clear your system and restore balance. Medications are simply not the answer because once you stop using them your acne will come right back.

There are several programs available to you right now that help you cure your acne very quickly. And, if you stick to the guidelines, they can help you permanently cure acne. Imagine waking up every morning with no fear! But you must act fast. The longer you wait, the greater your chances are that you acne will a) get worse or b) cause permanent scarring.

Stop Settling For the Same Acne Products - Lose Acne in Less Than a Week

Are you tired of using the same acne treatments that still are not working? If so then you are no different the most of the people in this world. The difference you can have is that with the help of the internet you are able to find the latest treatments to get rid of acne fast.

Long gone are the days that you have to use the same old "over the counter" acne treatments. Believe it or not but there is a very simple reason why those "over the counter" treatments have not worked for you. All the major companies believe that one treatment will help to get rid of acne for every single person in this world. Unfortunately that belief does not work. There are several different types of skin out there that all require different treatments. For example; some people have dry skin while others have oily skin. Each type of skin will require a different kind of acne treatment.

More and more companies have realized this and are doing a much better job making an acne treatment. The problem is that most of these companies are still very small. Since they are still small, they are not able to market their products in all the major stores. For that reason all these smaller companies rely on the internet to get the word out on their latest products.

Thanks to the help of the smaller companies, you are now able to use all the lastest products to get rid of acne fast.

Tips to Clear Up Zits

If you are suffering from acne right now, then you want a solution right now, you don't want to wait. This article will outline some tips to clear up zits right away, without having to wait weeks, months, even years before you can finally experience what so many others have, which is clear and healthy skin. Your skin is a very important part of your body and should be treated as such. Clearing up your zits is something you should be willing to be 100 percent committed to finding an answer to. To clear up your zits you will have to be patient, but eventually you will find a quick cure.

Now there are a lot of different options to discuss and consider. First of all there are of course all of the traditional methods of treating acne, one of these being topical treatments which are used by many acne sufferers each day. Topical treatments are just the creams, lotions, facial scrubs and masks, as well moisturizers that are applied to the skin in a safe and non-invasive way. This is the best way to go if you want to avoid nasty side-effects like irritation and worsening of your acne. Most of these products don't contain too many chemical additives.

Then of course there are the more serious and often times powerful ways of going about treating your acne. If you go to a dermatologist he or she might prescribe your oral medications, that is antibiotics which you can take daily, usually once or twice, depending on the instructions. Another very important aspect on acne treatment is following any instructions given to you by your doctor or any that happen to be on the label of the acne treatment products that you are trying out. If you don't follow the directions you are putting your own skin at risk.

Despite the great things people say about some acne products, I have found that most acne treatments simply did not work for me.

Acnezine - Finally a Real Acne Cure

Acnezine is a one-of-its-kind Acne Skin Care System that has been formulated for the treatment of acne from the inside out.

This solution is not only another ordinary topical acne treatment product. This is an entire skin management system that will zoom in on the source of your acne and it will not only heal any blemishes that you have, but it will treat future outbreaks that you cannot even see yet! Many of the acne products on the market today will only treat the blemishes that you already have. This amazing product helps your skin prevent more zits from forming! It can become quite costly and frustrating to try different acne creams one after another with little or no success. You will find that Acnezine has the following benefits:

• Works for teenagers and adults who suffer from mild to moderate blemishes on the face and body

• Eliminates spots, redness, blackheads, pimples, pus and whiteheads

• Effective and fast cure for acne from the inside out

Acne's major cause is from imbalances and impurities inside of the body, and that is why the problem is treated with an internal cleansing treatment that goes straight to the source and fights the acne before it begins. This solution provides antioxidants that will also help eliminate free radicals that may be a cause of mild acne.

It can be hard to control mild to moderate acne. Even after the acne is gone, you must continue on with the usage of an effective acne treatment to keep new blemishes from flaring up again. This product uses several different ingredients all in one system to heal your blemishes now and keep new ones from forming.

Great pride is taken in the superior quality of this acne solution and you must be pleased with your purchase. The manufacturers of this excellent product believe that it is the very best quality, value, and selection for our customers. If you are not satisfied with the way Acnezine works for you, just return any unused or unopened item within 90 days of purchase for a full refund!

Tips To Overcome Insomnia To Prevent Acne, Hair Loss, Ulcer And Headache Problems

Are you suffering from acne problems, hair loss, ulcer attack or frequent headache? Or do you feel that you are constantly in stress? The most like causes of all these maybe perhaps be insomnia, or lack of sleep and rest. Today let us discuss how we can deal with insomnia.

If you have a rocky workplace, this can also be a good excuse for insomnia. You are going to be stressed and uneasy about a lot of things when you are worried about what is going on at work. You need to find out a way to work through these problems to make them better. Get help from your supervisor or manager to take this problem on. Once you get it sorted out, you will probably find that you can rest better at night and start sleeping through the night like you once did.

Do not overeat as heavy meals will drain out your energy. Instead of eating a large meal, you need to eat three smaller meals throughout the day. You need to have your blood sugar and your insulin levels more even. You will also find it easier to sleep at night if you eat this way. You need to keep watch of what you eat so that you can dream away at night. Eating rich foods will help you out a lot when it comes to dieting. Remember that overeating can not only cause insomnia, it can also cause unwanted weight gain too.

Next, are you finding hard to concentrate while you sleep? Do you know that there are as many as 100,000 car accidents and fifteen hundred deaths that are from accidents caused by people that are driving while drowsy. This is a serious problem and one that more and more people need to address. There are lots of people that are sacrificing their sleep to do other things in life. It is not going to help anyone if a person skips the sleep that they need in order to do something else.

Insomnia is a leading cause in the United States for decreased productivity. Each year insomnia will cost the United States over one billion dollars for the research and the lost work that is not getting done. This is a serious condition and one that has to be taken more seriously. There are more and more people under stress and hectic lives. They are not allowing themselves enough time for rest and relaxation and this is leading to more severe problems for them such as headache, acne problems, and even hair loss.

You should also eat a great breakfast. You need to eat foods that boost your metabolism and give the body energy to burn off. The brain will depend on the glucose for fuel and so carbohydrates for breakfast is a great idea. You should try to not skip any meals. It is important to eat healthy and to eat when you are hungry. Cereals and wholegrain bread is the best way to get a good start on your day and keep you awake.

Lastly, about a third of the average persons life is spent sleeping. This means that sleep is very important to our health and us. Healthy sleep is more important. It is vital to a human's body and it is going to be essential for the brain to function the way that it is intended. Other organs in the body also depend on the amount of sleep that a person gets to function properly.

Alright! You've now completed the easy part. From here, you have to start to plan a regular and healthier plan for your daily life. By changing your lifestyle for a better, healthier one, you will ultimately enjoy a healthier, happy life.

Menopause-Related Acne

Menopause has many interesting, seemingly unrelated symptoms. Women can experience any combination of mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes, extreme night sweats, achy joints, headaches, irritability, anxiety, trouble concentrating, and even acne. Some women avoid menopause-induced acne, but for at least one in ten menopause sufferers, pimples and blemishes are a genuine problem. Some women have avoided pimples since they were teenagers, yet suddenly the have a face full of them. The truth is, though, teens and menopausal women have a number of things in common. Acne is typically a result of hormone swings, which occurs extensively throughout puberty and menopause. It can be very frustrating for women to endure the added embarassment of blemishes when they're struggling to deal with all of the other symptoms of menopause.

Menopausal acne occurs for much the same reason that acne occurs during any other life stage. The skin contains millions of sebaceous glands. These glands produce oil, scientifically termed sebum. Skin cells are constantly regenerated. Old ones die, are sloughed off and quickly replaced. When body hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA run rampant, the sebaceous glands become sensitive and start producing more sebum than necessary. More skin cells begin to die. As a result, not only do you have a surplus of facial oil, you also have a surplus of dead skin cells. Your body cannot rid itself of the unwanted oil and dead cells fast enough. Facial skin follicles get clogged with oil and dead cells.

White heads occur as a result of bacteria. Excess sebum builds up under the skin, naturally-occuring bacteria and the oil combine, creating an inflamed area filled with white puss. Blackheads also occur as a result of the combining of bacteria and oil with the addition of air that has leaked in. As a result, the material caught in the pore turns black. Menopausal acne identical to other acne, however. Both the follicles and sebaceous glands on the face contain an enzyme. This particular enzyme can turn estrogen into the hormone androgen testosterone. This has the ability to increase oil production even further. This leads to even more breakouts than a woman probably had as a teenager.

Menopausal acne can be extremely frustrating. There are, however, ways to alleviate it. Begin by examining your diet. It is important to eat foods that are high in fiber and calcium. It is also recommended to cut back on your fat and carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates can turn insulin into androgen testosterone. This androgen too can increase the skin's sebum production. Additionally, you might want ensure that you are consuming eight to ten glasses of water each day.

In addition to dietary changes, you might want to consider the addition of dietary supplements. There are so many widely-available herbs vitamins, and minerals that can help alleviate the body's excess oil production. Studies suggest that it is beneficial to add Vitamin B and Vitamin C to your diet. In addition to diet and supplements, you should cleanse your skin a minimum of twice daily. Regular exfoliation rids the skin of those dead cells. Also, it is beneficial to use a toner to close open pores.

Acne Tips That Will Help Improve Your Complexion

Clear healthy skin is something associated with also being in a good state of health, with a public perception of beauty. As we are all human, from time to time we get spots seemingly appearing out of the blue, even if we follow a good diet regime and look after our skin. Despite being susceptible to the aforementioned, there are certain things we can do to further improve our appearance and complextion.

Firstly make sure you are following a balanced, healthy diet with an emphasis on nutritious foods and generous portions of fruits and vegetables. Nutrition plays a vital role in having healthy clear skin.

Did you know that your skin is the last of the organs in your body to receive vital nutrients. Prior to your skin receiving them, your other vital organs take what they need. So, as you can see, it's important to intake a good dose of nutrients on a regulr basis to feed your skin from the inside out. If your diet isn't right, your skin will suffer , and along with it your acne condition will also worsen.

Another dietary danger zone is what many of us are addicted to on a daily basis. Yes, you guessed it. It's caffeine. But caffeine is pretty harmless, right? Wrong. If you cut down your overall caffeine intake you have an improved chance of improved skin appearance and less severe acne. Caffeine produces a hormone called cortisol that really causes problems with your skin if you become overloaded with it and your body can't cope.

Another top acne tip is to ensure your diet has a good supply of essential fatty aciss. Your body then utilises this to produce something called linoleic acid which is good for your skin as well as having other health giving properties.

Other ways of reducing the regularity and severity of acne breakouts, other than diet, is to make sure your towels are regularly changed so there is less chance of bacteria on the one you are using. Changing your bed and pillow covers regularly will also be of benefit.

Helping Your Wife Cope Acne In Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most crucial period in the life of a woman. Especially, the time she is pregnant for the first time, it gets too difficult for her to maintain her mental equilibrium and posture. She remains most tender; and unexplainable feelings of anxiety grip her. This is the time, when she requires understanding and sympathy, the most.

The most unwelcome development for her during this period is sickness. She remains always doubly worried. Firstly, about her own constitution, and next, how to properly support the other growing tiny self within her! Her worry about the later aspect is much more.

And there at times come acne to add to her sorry state. Acne is a disease that upsets the woman even during the normal times. And during pregnancy she is doubly upset, because she has information that acne is a hereditary disease. Her intense worry is that, what if the child gets acne?

Herein, you can play a guard to the emotions of your wife. As such you can not do anything to help your wife to cope acne in pregnancy. But you can surely get her the best medical advice and provide or not provide her medication, on the lines indicated by the medical practitioner. Your sympathy and understanding and kind words are more than any balm, lotion or gel to her.

You can provide her with good reading material or articles on how the other women have faced similar situations in their life and how they were able to tackle it successfully.

Such success stories do a lot to boost her moral courage. That is the real medication needed at this time of her life. Don't allow her heavy mood swings to overpower her. Keep her in good humor by talking to her sweet nothings and by telling her that acne is indeed a minor problem!

But if the depression persists, it could be Postpartum Depression (PPD). Before it gets serious, consult a psychiatrist or a specialist.

The correct causes of acne are still not known. It is a subject, under active research. Acne could be due to the side effects of certain other medications. Stress and pregnancy could itself be the reason for acne. So, you can carefully advise your wife against stressing out on this aspect of acne.

At this stage, what she needs is your constant company. You are a better subject to talk to, than the subject of acne. Spend as much time as is possible in her company. That is the best that you can do for her.

Do You Need Acne Scar Removal or Treatment?

If you have acne scars from breakouts that you had in the past, there are ways to help remove them. Or, you just might have some pimples now that are leaving scars. Well, there is help. Know what some of your options are for treatment, and understand that acne scar removal is possible even with persistent acne woes and scarring.

Now a days the treatment for removing scars are up to date and modern. There are all kinds of treatments, but only a qualified dermatologist can help you get those scars off of your face or body, so you can start feeling confident about how you look. Depending on the type of acne that you’ve had, or are experiencing now, your doctor will determine the routine of acne scar removal that you need.

Most acne scar treatments require clear skin before treatment begins, so this is the first issue that must be addressed. If you haven’t done it already, make an appointment with your dermatologist to get started. Every person must be evaluated individually and treated on a case-by-case basis, and what works for one may not work for another

Some of the different ways that this is done can range from medication, surgery, and light or laser therapy. Medications like Tetracycline are antibiotics that will clear up acne by stopping infection, and the skin heals naturally.

Another type of medication that helps with acne scar removal is called Accutane. It has high doses of Vitamin A that eliminate oils from the skin, and cuts down on the scarring by eliminating infection. There are potential side effects of the antibiotics and Accutane. After a while you can develop immunity to the antibiotics, or even become very allergic to the medications.

Do not take Accutane if you are thinking of becoming pregnant or are pregnant. Only a dermatologist should prescribe this type of acne scar removal.

Light or laser therapy is great for removing scars that are moderate or severe too. You’ll know that your doctor is recommending these types of acne scar removal treatments when Blue or Red Light Therapy is discussed.

Fotofacials are another type that is often used too. It rids your skin of scars by using pulsating frequencies of lights or lasers. Scars are either totally removed, or they are faded to the point that a good makeup will hide the remaining evidence. The best thing about it is that results are sometimes better with this type of acne scar removal treatment.

Most acne scar treatments are not covered by health insurance plans, and can be quite costly if more than a couple of treatments are needed, which is the case in more instances than not. Less expensive acne scar treatments can always be tried first, especially if the scars are not too severe. Check with your dermatologist’s office for prices of various procedures recommended, and also check online for more in depth information on acne scar treatments

It’s important too that medications don’t have to be used for an extended period, and it’s not as dangerous. Acne scar removal is possible, and all you have to do is to make an appointment, and start on the way to healing your scars on your body, and your outlook on you.

Acne Herbal Remedies That Help Clear Acne

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a magic pill that squelches the burden of acne altogether? Well, there isn’t any that I am aware of. However, there are a number of acne formulas. For example, what do you know about acne herbal remedies?

Have you ever given acne herbal remedies a shot? Maybe something different from that Clearasil in your medicine cabinet would do you good. After all, how well is that topical cream from the drugstore even working? Does it actually heal and get rid of a nasty pimple in no time at all? Or, does it merely mask the problem and eventually dry out your face? That is always a common dilemma with basic acne problems.

Unlike many of the acne herbal remedies, the drugstore creams, gels, and face washes can be harsh for your delicate face. They remove most of the dirt and oil from your face and leave it dry and tight. This can lead to more breakouts, if the pores close and still have bacteria, oil, and dirt deep down.

Acne herbal remedies are gentler on your skin and face.

Are you in the market for some quality acne herbal remedies? Maybe this is the route you should be choosing. Think about it for a moment. How many drugstore acne treatments that don’t work have you already gone through, and found little to no results, probably quite a few?

Finding an acne herbal remedy for your outbreaks of pimples isn’t that hard to do. The trick is getting one that works for your specific type of acne outbreaks and is natural. Don’t get discouraged about it, you can have clear and healthy skin, it will just take a little experimentation and patience.

There are several types of treatments for blemishes and using them isn’t all that hard. One treatment for blackheads is a wash of lime and milk. All you have to do is bring the milk to a gentle boil, and then add the juice from one lime. Then wash your face with this combination after it cools down enough so it does not burn your face.

Another acne herbal remedy is to use an astringent for a deep cleaning of your pores. At your local grocery store buy a leafy mango. Boil it in some water, and then rub it, after it cools, on your face. If your case of pimples isn’t too severe you can just leave the mango to soak overnight. It’s an acne natural cure that will clean your pores thoroughly.

Something that you probably eat everyday in some form is good for your skin as well. A raw potato is an ideal acne remedy, especially for whiteheads. The vitamin C gives your skin a healthy glow, and its alkaline gets rid of the bacteria on your face. The potato has an acid in it too that scrubs away dead or dying skin cells on your face, which works as an acne natural cure.

Finally, remember that acne herbal remedies might leave your skin a little parched for moisture at times during treatments. A good way to re-hydrate your skin after using an acne herbal remedy is to use Almond Oil or Jojoba oil.

If you’ve tried every over the counter medication for it and it’s just not working, than you might want to use an acne herbal remedy. You can find a treatment solution in an herbal remedy, but take your time, and find out what works for you.

How to Get Rid of Acne with Natural Remedies

With the vast number of creams and lotions available in the local pharmacy you would think that they could get rid of acne, but not all of them work.

Every person is different and the cause of their acne may also be different. So this means that for you to get rid of your acne you would need to try many different creams and techniques, unless you knew exactly what was causing your acne. Then you could buy exactly the product or service that could eliminate your skin problem.

For example, to get rid of acne caused by infection, you might need to use an antibiotic cream or antibiotic capsules. But, to get rid of acne caused by excessive oil secretions, you might try Azelaic acid cream.

Or, if your acne was caused by poor diet, then using a cream that had a form of vitamin A might help you get rid of acne. But if hormonal acne was your problem, then internal cleansing, supplements, including fish oil, could get rid of your acne.

Even though teenagers, and indeed, anyone affected by acne wants to get rid of this condition right away, you must remember that acne is a normal and natural part of growing up. Hormonal balances or imbalances might cause acne related problems for the time being. But it is rarely, if ever, permanent. Acne, no matter how severe it seems to be, does disappear once the pubescent changes are completed in the human body.

But for those of you that are older, then hormones many not be the issue and to get rid of this acne requires some serious nutritional steps and facial applications which require the help of a professional nutritionist or dermatologist.

Here are some tips that you can experiment with to see it they will get rid of your acne.

If you are a lady who wears foundation makeup, look at the ingredients in your makeup. If it is an oil-based product, your foundation may be the culprit behind the acne problem. Change your makeup to one that has a water base and your skin can breathe a little easier. And, you may also go very lite on the makeup or go without make up to see if you acne lessens.

Wash your face consistently twice a day using a mild soap, such as pure glycerin. Mild is the secret technique. Harsh soaps can actually aggravate your skin. Also, make sure that you rinse your face thoroughly. A trace of soap can aggravate your acne.

Try regular old benzoyl peroxide, which is among the most tried and true home acne remedies there is. It is also an extremely inexpensive solution that has stood the test of time. The secret behind the benzoyl peroxide's effectiveness among the home acne remedies is oxygen. Oxygen kills the bacteria lying under the surface of the skin and deep into the pores.

Try applying toothpaste to the affected area at bedtime. Make sure to use traditional toothpaste instead of gels or whitening paste. When you wakeup, you will find a small remnant of the acne, if any at all.

Finally, you can try washing your face with sea salt and distilled water. After that, squeeze some lemon juice on your face and finally wash your face with glycerin soap

Trying to get rid of acne can really create stress and emotional problems. So by trying many different creams and remedies, you may find the answer on how to get rid of your acne.

Adult Acne – How To Deal With It

We are all rather familiar with acne, we either had it, know someone who had it or are currently suffering with it. Acne affects nearly 40 million people in the United States alone. It can start anytime between the ages of 12 and 25 and when it hits, well it hits with a vengeance. A growing number of adult women in their twenties and thirties are getting adult acne, even if they never suffered with acne before. The problem with acne is that there is no known cure.

Yes we are bombarded all over the place to buy this “miracle cure” and try this “amazing product” and so often a person who is afflicted with this skin problem will hope and pray that this will be the answer that they are looking for. Just this one time this is going to be the one thing that actually does work. Then because it proves not to be the “miracle cure” they were promised they end up frustrated and disappointed.

So how does one deal with acne? More particularly how does one deal with adult acne? Well, to just give up and resign oneself to the supposed inevitable is not the answer either. You see adult acne is much like being over weight in that you don’t feel good about yourself; your self esteem takes a major knock and you are convinced that when people look at you they do not see YOU but are rather focused on just the area that is riddled with acne. You hate going out in public, you do not want people to look at you because you hate looking at yourself. I know this because I have been there.

Adult acne is embarrassing. It is one thing if you were a teenager because society seems to be more accepting; it is what almost the “norm” is for teenagers. People sympathize and “tut tut” it away as just a natural process of life. I’m not taking away for one moment what teenagers go through (they have “strange” hormones to deal with on top of it all) but there seems to be a stigma attached to adult acne. People just look at you differently.

There seems to be this misconception that if you suffer from adult acne you don’t wash your face and you must be dirty. Just like in the case of someone who is overweight people don’t sit back and think that it may most likely be due to hormonal changes and/ or sometimes it may just be hereditary. It seems to be in people’s nature to assume the worse.

Acne doesn’t just lead to physical scars (which are really depressing and more damaging to the psyche) but more concerning it leads to emotional scarring. Well your choices in dealing with adult acne can be put into two categories. You can “roll over and just accept” that this is your lot in life or you can become active, take charge and find ways to help the situation. Acne may not be curable but it can be controlled and eventually you may even grow out of it.

Let’s take a quick look at what acne is and once we understand how it comes about we can look at how to deal with it. Acne is generally characterized by black heads, white heads, red bumps (also known as blind pimples) and in some cases scarring. Acne is the result of overactive oil glands at the base of the hair follicles that become blocked or inflamed. It may appear anywhere on the body but it tends to be primarily on the face.

There are different forms of acne; mild inflammatory acne, moderate to severe inflammatory acne and severe acne. The problem with acne treatments is that what works for one person may not work for the next. Due to how severe your acne may be you will need to find out which is the best course of action for you. This is best done seeking the advice of your health practitioner or a dermatologist. However you can do a few things to help yourself.

As tempting as it may be DO NOT SQUEEZE OR PICK AT YOUR FACE. It may be tempting and you may just want to get rid all the spots and you think that by squeezing them all out you will be rid of it once and for all. Well if only it was that simple. It is not. The pus (and thus the germs) spreads across your face causing you more acne, or you just end up pushing the pus deeper into your skin causing more of an infection. In some cases you are left with scars. Scaring brings on a whole different level of anxiety and depression.

Do not spend too much time in the sun. There seems to be this myth that the sun will “cure” your acne. The hope seems to be that it will dry up the oily glands. But how will it when the follicles are blocked? You see the sun damages your follicular walls causing further blockage and in turn more acne. The sunlight also produces free radicals in the skin which diminishes the skins ability to heal.

There has been no scientific evidence that has proven that acne and diet are related. I have read various reports saying that acne and diet are related and some say that there is no relation whatsoever. So not affirmed either way but cut down on some foods and see if it makes a difference at all. Maybe you have an allergy that aggravates the situation.

Start with the highly refined sugars and things like seafood, mushrooms and salt. Deep fried food is generally not good for your over all health and some say that it is really bad for your skin. Drink more water, water flushes your body of toxins and so in turn is a great internal way of aiming for that healthier looking skin.

Stay away from coffee. It does not matter if it has caffeine in it or not. Coffee stimulates the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormonal steroid that the body produces when it is under stress. (Stress does not cause acne but it certainly aggravates it) Cortisol helps our bodies maintain homeostasis during time of stress yet it causes problems when it stays is our body for a long period of time because what cortisol does is it destroys tissue, which then releases small protein molecules from the destroyed cells. These remainders of cell-protein partly end up in the skin which ends up contributing to acne. Watch out for foods packed with hormones. It does not help hormonal acne.

Interesting fact, non Westernized people did not suffer from acne until their diet changed to what we eat and then oops they joined our ranks in the acne department. The problem is that so much of our diet tends to rob us of vitamins and minerals that are essential for good healthy skin. Vitamin A has been known to be a great preventative of acne. Give it a try, eat less “junk” and more fresh fruit and vegetables high in antioxidants, there is no harm in it and maybe it will help.

Remember acne is not caused by dirt and so DO Not scrub your face. It generally makes the acne worse. You aggravate the glands that produce the oil and they then produce more oil and then spread the bacterium that causes your acne around the face making it worse. Don’t use a face cloth because germs tend to stick to them and then you are just smearing them all over your face. Your hands are the best thing to use and they are a lot gentler on your skin too.

Smoking does not cause acne but it does make the skin look unhealthy and so much older, this is because the nicotine reduces the blood circulation to your skin. Some case studies have shown that smoking can irritate the acne, making it worse.

Avoid things that rub against your skin, like collars, don’t wear too much make up and when you do choose products that are oil free or are made specifically bearing acne in mind. These products would be “non-comedogenic” or “non-acnegenic.” Wash your hair as often as you need to and keep it off your face.

Bear in mind the following when receiving advice about your acne:

Most over-the-counter acne treatments are topical and the most popular ones contain Benzoyl Peroxide. The problem is that once you stop the treatment the acne just flares up again and some people say that as the skin becomes used to it so the effectiveness of it lessens.

Benzoyl Peroxide is also known to cause excessive dryness, and for some people itchiness which then further irritates the skin. It is also a bleach so be careful when using it that it does not ruin your clothes.

Antibiotics tend to aim at inhibiting bacteria. The problem is bacteria are not the cause of acne. The irony is that bacteria are essential in keeping the skin flexible and inhibiting it just speeds up the aging process. Then of course it needs to be remembered that antibiotics are also well known for reducing a person’s immune system.

I am not going to give you a whole list of unpronounceable names of various chemicals found in anti-acne treatments but I am going to give you a run down of what some of the side effects are. After all that is what matters most.

• Liver disease (sometimes resulting in a needed transplant)

• Jaundice and life threatening psuedomembranous colitis.

• Autoimmune disease, acute inflammation of the lung and a blue black disclouring of your skin, mucous membranes, nails, adult teeth and Internal organs.

• Benign intracranial hypertension. Early warning signs are headaches, nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances. Decreased night vision, inflammatory bowel disease, an increase in the size of your bones, raised cholesterol levels.

• Heart risks

• Further skin problems. As if acne is not enough you suffer too from dry skin, skin fragility, itching, nosebleeds, inflammation and cracking of lips. Eczema like rash, thinning of hair, peelings of palms and soles of feet, skin infections, gastrointestinal problems, urogenital problems and tiredness.

Then to top the list off you also have things like seizures, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, depression (as if the acne hadn’t caused enough now the “cure” adds to it too) gum inflammation, arthritis and so we can go on but I think you have got the point.

I am not trying to scare you off finding what can help your acne, just informing you of what some of these products may do to you. Don’t loose hope, acne can be controlled and in many cases people do find what aggravates or causes it through trial and error. Don’t give up and you will eventually find the solution that works best for you.

Acne: A Skin Condition Common Among Teenagers

Acne is a skin condition that many individuals have. Despite the fact that individuals of all ages can develop this common skin condition, there is one group of individuals who are more likely to develop it. That group is teenagers. Teenagers are more at risk for acne, especially when they begin to hit puberty. For that reason, there is a good chance that you may be the parent of a teenager who has an acne problem, whether that problem is large or small.

If you haven’t already noticed, times have changed. Unfortunately, this has led to appearance concerns among many teenagers. Although you might not necessarily think that acne is a big deal, it may be to your child. That is why it is extremely important that you talk to your child about their acne, especially if they have a severe case of it. Acne may go away on its own, but it might not. If your child constantly has problems with acne, it may be a good idea to schedule a visit with a healthcare professional.

When seeking treatment for your child’s acne problem, you will likely find that you have a number of different professional options. Most primary care physicians, also commonly referred to as family physicians, should be able to treat acne. This treatment will often include an over-the-counter medication or a prescription medication. The type of action taken will likely depend on how severe your child’s acne problem is. In addition to their primary care physician, you may also want to take your child to see a dermatologist. A dermatologist is a medical professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions.

Aside from being prescribed medications or given another treatment plan, you and your teenager will likely learn more about acne. Your healthcare provider, whether it is your primary care physician or a dermatologist, should provide you with information on acne. This information should not only include how to treat it, but how to manage acne outbreaks, as well as how to prevent them. Although this important information should automatically be explained to you, it might not be. When it comes to treating acne, it is important to learn more about it; therefore, if it is not automatically explained, you need to ask.

Regardless of which type of medical professional you are speaking with, a primary care physician or a dermatologist, you will likely learn, as mentioned above, that acne is not uncommon in teenagers. It fact, it has been stated that over half of all teenagers will develop a problem with acne, at one time or another. You may also learn that acne not only includes zits, but it also includes blackheads and whiteheads. You should also learn how and why acne develops. It is even possible that your healthcare physician may have also determined an exact cause for your child’s acne problem, such as unclean skin, clogged pores, or greasy health and beauty products.

As you can easily see, you and your child can learn a lot by meeting with a healthcare worker. Despite the fact that you are advised to seek professional assistance, it may not be possible. Whether you are without insurance or you cannot afford a doctor’s visit, your child does not have to suffer from acne. There are a number of over-the-counter medications that may be able to help reduce or completely eliminate the number of blackheads, whiteheads, or pimples that your teenager has. While prescription medications may work more effectively and quicker, over-the-counter medications are great alternatives. These relatively low-cost medications can be purchased from most department stores, drug stores, or grocery stores. The amount of time it takes for your child’s acne to clear up, if it even clears up at all, will all depend on what type of product you are using.

Since acne is relatively easy to treat, at least from your standpoint, you are advised to take action. Whether your teenager complains about their acne or if you think a problem may be in the process of developing, you are advised to get them the help that they need. Whether that help comes from a medical professional or an over-the-counter medication, your teenager will likely be please that action was initiated.

Taking Care Of Acne-Prone Skin

Although acne has been largely associated with teeners and puberty, the condition is not only confined in this age level. In fact, there are cases when as teeners, people do not suffer from acne only to have acne appear when they are in their 20s.

Acne is characterized by big break outs and pimples in large quantities. It can develop in different areas of the body although frequently found on the face and at the back. Acne often starts from the overactivity of the pilo-sebaceous glands, oil-producing glands. When combined with bacteria, dead skin cells and hormones, these oils are trapped in pores and induces swelling.

Often, lumps will develop into white heads or blackheads or even purely red lumps that are tender. Acne can also lead to scarring when not treated early. Some acne extend so deep within the skin and form nodules and cysts that even when heals, will leave scars that may not disappear.

Although nothing has been proven yet, acne has been known to be exacerbated by emotional stress, fatigue, humidity and even cosmetics. This is the reason why the use of chemicals on the face is strictly forbidden when there is acne as the products only irritate the skin.

There are actually medicines that can be applied to treat acne but before putting them on your face, you need to first consult a doctor to find out the regimen that will fit your condition and your skin type.

Here are some tips on how to take care of acne prone skin.

1. Let it be treated by professionals

The earlier you have it medically treated, the better will be the prognosis. There are medications that can help control the processes that lead to the acne problem such as the over-activity of the sebaceous glands, hormonal imbalances and even stress.

2. Do not take it in your own hands

Do not squeeze your pimples. This will only spread the infection and cause the affected area to swell. Squeezing your pimples may also result in permanent scarring. So be very careful in tweaking those red bumps on your face.

3. Avoid oily cosmetics

Remember that acne-prone skin is oily enough as it is. If you use oily cosmetics, it will only add up to the oil build up. If you have to wear make-up, look for the ones that are water-based. This will be less harsh on the skin. Also, remember to always remove your make-up at night. This is very crucial as leaving make-up on your skin while asleep can further irritate the skin.

6 Effective Ingredients Of Quality Acne Treatments

If you ask an acne patient who for many years, has used a vast range of topical acne treatments in the hope of finding one that successfully got rid of all the acne spots on her face fully and consistently, whether or not she managed to find one... you can bet that her answer will be, "No I didn't".

Millions of people all over the world break out with acne spots. Unfortunately, only a very small proportion of them "luckily" get to meet somebody who points them in the direction of finding a good quality acne treatment. A topical cream that contains powerful natural and synthetic ingredients that are put together in the right mix to make a formulation that has the ability to effectiely free up some space in the follicular openings in the epidermal layer of their skin. A cream that then allows trapped oily sebum to flow out easily, which in turn, dramatically leaves their skin looking clearer, smoother, tougher, younger, and enviable. A product that does this well... in fact, very well.

It's important to note that your skin is made up of several layers, and we are concerned with the stratum corneum (which is in actual fact the upper layer of the epidermal layer), the remainder of the epidermal layer itself, and the dermis which lies beneath the epidermis. Why note this? Because hyperstimulation of the sebaceous glands in response to a surge in androgenic hormones is what starts everything off, and this happens in the dermis. Also, many of the pronounced comedones form here. As far as the epidermis and stratum corneum are concerned, these layers are full of Propionibacterium Acnes, dirt, debris, and dead skin cells. You need to get rid of these to make it easy to unblock the plugged follicles in the dermis. The most efficient way to achieve this is by the process of "abrasion", "sloughing", or exfoliation, which all mean the same thing really.

My intention here is to talk about specific ingredients that go inside ance treatments that are topically applied, and why such ingredients set the treatments that they are found in, apart from the money wasters. The below average treatments that are merely adequate for people who break out with the mildest form of acne. The type where they break out with one little tiny red spot once in a blue moon. And this is certainly not the case with somebody with large prominent pimples.

If you fit in this latter category of people and would like to know what pioneering skincare experts include in their cosmetic products to bring them to a standard where the formulation is able to effectively get rid of such spots, then here are some pointers for you to follow before you purchase your next acne treatment. This is a list of the most effective, and widely used ingredients in good cosmetic products that will bring about a marginal improvement in your complexion:

1. Glycolic Acid - This is number one on the list for a good reason, and that reason is, that it is one of the most powerful and effective exfoliants in the industry. Glycolic acid penetrates your skin, frees plugged pores and follicles, and does this job well. I would suggest that you end your frustrations with benzoyl peroxide and move onto this ingredient soon.

Glycolic acid is classified as an "alpha hydroxy acid" (AHA). It is a naturally occuring chemical found in sugar cane. There are others - namely lactic acid, citric acid, malic acid, and tartaric acid. These are all less potent than glycolic acid, but they are now all found together in home chemical peel kits. Start using a glycolic acid face wash or moisturizer as soon as possible - a 5% concentration would be good to begin with.

2. Glycolic Compound - There are skin care products in the "chemical peeling" market that consist of high strength glycolic acid, typically 20-70%. These contain something called "glycolic compound" - a pH-balanced complex of glycolic acid and ammonium glycolate. You will find this compound has helped several people achieve excellent results with their skin problems, particularly acne. MD Formulations and MD Forte are top brands that have released lotions, creams, and gels containing this ingredient.

3. Salicylic Acid - Also known as "beta hydroxy acid" and the only one. This is usually found as a 2% concentration in most skincare products. Its mode of action is similar to glycolic acid in that it causes skin cells to slough off. Salicylic acid is a good choice if you get mild to moderate breakouts.

4. Ferulic Acid - This is commonly found in anti-aging products because of it antioxidant properties. Your skin is undergoing constant oxidation. It is being oxidized by free radicals, other environmental pollutants, and the UV rays from the sun. You may think this to be inappropriate for your acne condition, but antioxidants stop oxidation, and this helps to prevent pre-existing scars and lines from advancing further. Antioxidants also help post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which is a problem that many acne patients get. There are many antioxidants out there, but this one is good and it's widely used in brands like Skinceuticals, Murad, and Dr. Michelle Copeland.

The point to note here is that acne treatments "treat" through different modes of action - exfoliation, dermabrasion, and anti-bacterial action for example. But then there are others which work to "protect" and this is what antioxidants do, so these can prove to be very effective, especially in adult acne. Overall, anti-oxidants are great at improving the integrity of your skin. They give it the radiacne and the glowing effect that you're looking for.

5. Idebenone - Here you can read about idebenone. I have chosen this product to demonstrate the importance of stopping your skin from oxidizing.

Idebenone is an analogue of another anti-oxidant called Co-enzyme Q10. This will make an expensive, but a potent free radical quencher.

6. Ascorbyl palmitate - You will find this in the famous Jan Marini C-ESTA products. It is the fat-soluble form of vitamin C, another antioxidant. This synthetic compound was made fat-soluble to improve its absorption through the skin. Water-soluble products don't penetrate the skin as well as lipid-soluble ones. Again, this one is great for tightening up contours around scarred regions in the T-Zone area, particularly around the nose.

So what I've tried to do here is to give you a good range of products like glycolic acid and other alpha hydroxy acids that unplug your hair follicles and allow oil and debris to flow out from under your skin, as well as powerful antioxidants n the current market that improve the overall integrity of your skin by giving it shine, glow, and make it less bumpy and more smooth.

It's very easy to get wrapped up in the habit of sticking to prescribed antibiotics, or OTC treatments for mild acne and end up frustrated having realized that they don't work, and sometimes even make your acne worse. If this is happening to you, start branching out by discovering more advanced treatments that contain the ingredients discussed herein, and you never know... a breakthrough in finding a treatment that works wonders for you may be just weeks away.

Acne Scarring

The news is, acne scarring is permanent but can be treated. A final solution for your acne scarring is to have major plastic surgery. Most sever acne is NOT controlled by food, cleanliness, or OTC meds.

However, acne scarring is commonly more significant than this. Acne Scarring is visible markings, lumps or indentations on the skin's surface resulting from scar tissue which has formed as part of the healing proc. The only way to completely prevent acne scarring is by properly treating acne lesions as soon as they form.

The most effective way to prevent acne scarring is to leave the acne alone, however this doesn’t mean you can’t seek expert advice on how best to treat your acne. Acne scarring is most often the result of self-excoriate behavior such as the tendency to pick or squeeze the pimples.

Moderate to sever acne include: nodules, cysts, rosacea and conglobata. For moderate to sever acne, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist.

Oral Antibiotics:

These are available by prescription for moderate to sever acne. A new topical treatment of moderate to sever acne can help and it’s best to ask your dermatologist first.

Physicians say that the scarring itself represents only a small part of the actual damage.

Acne suffers are aware that where there is acne there will be scarring as well. Many people have the common pimple or breakout, but for a few of the unlucky acne sufferers, acne can cause scarring. Any scarring will improve with time.

Doctors advise people not to squeeze acne themselves, because scarring can result.

Adjacent, no overlapping laser pulses are delivered over the scars. The ultra pulsed carbon dioxide laser, the erbium YAG laser and the pulsed dye yellow light laser are most commonly used for treating acne scarring.

For the improvement of facial acne scarring: a systematic review of the evidence check out Laser resurfacing of the skin The Harmony Pixel Laser is proving to be highly effective in the treatment of acne scarring.

Numerous medical studies have documented the effectiveness of Nd:YAG laser treatments for acne scarring. Acne scar laser treatment is administered by experienced medical staff who have been properly trained in this area. Laser therapy for acne and acne scarring works by targeting the sebaceous, oily glands that cause bacterial entrapment.

Scar reduction is one of the most common uses of laser skin resurfacing. Recent research shows Acne Rosacea can be successfully treated with yellow laser with no side effects. The erbium laser typically is used to produce superficial resurfacing.

Laser skin resurfacing has added to the numerous treatment options available for acne scarring. The latest treatment options for acne scarring are lasers, such as the pulsed carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and the Erbium:YAG laser. There are many treatment options for those who suffer from chronic consistent acne.

The good news is that there are numerous treatment options now available to treat acne scarring. Fortunately there are topical treatment options, depending on the kind of scarring. The first thing to do is to get good advice about the options.

Laser treatment is one of the newer options for getting rid of acne. As with any surgery, it is important to understand the options and procedures. Laser resurfacing is a recent addition to the armamentarium of options for acne scarring. Electrolysis and laser are the best options. Talk to your doctor about the best treatment options for you.

However, acne scarring is commonly more significant than this. One more cause of acne scarring is the pinching and squeezing of acne. A final solution for your acne scarring is to have major plastic surgery. Acne scarring is one of the most embarrassing skin problems faced by many, but help is out there, so make the most of it.

Acne scarring is permanent but can be treated. The only way to completely prevent acne scarring is by properly treating acne lesions as soon as they form. Acne scarring is almost as embarrassing as actual pimples.

Acne scarring is one of the great misfortunes of many people, young and old. For the lucky majority, acne scarring is a minor annoyance, difficult for others to visualize. Acne scarring is what most teenagers and adults fear. Acne scarring is the end result of the body's healing process.

The Unspoken Horror Of Adult Acne

Did you know that more than 25% of the adult population worldwide suffers from acne? If we leave the pages of statistical data and look at people with plain eyes it will be hard to find a man or a woman who did not suffer the gnawing problem of zits. However, even though this problem is "skin deep", its effects germinate into bouts of despair and social angst, which jeopardizes quality of life.

Digging Into The Roots Of Adult Acne

Sebum secreted from the hair follicles moves to the skin pores and lubricates the skin. But sometimes the oil glands expand, producing an excess of sebum, which ultimately gets trapped in the hair follicle and clogs the pores. These clogged pores permit bacteria and growth of Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria causes inflammation of the hair follicle and the surrounding skin and thus acne emerges.

Though till now the exact causes of adult acne are not known, most of the theories suggest hormonal imbalances as the root cause. Some other causes proposed are evolutionary biology, diet, stress, vitamin deficiency and the list goes on.

Some Effective Treatments To Get Rid Of Adult Acne

Studies reveal that Vitamin A plays an important role in the reduction of serum and keratin production and thus minimizes their growth in follicle comedos. So, nourish your system with Vitamin A and take at least five servings of vegetables and fresh fruits daily. However, always consult a doctor before starting up with any kind of regime.

Zinc is an important element in treating acne too. Zinc enhances the functions of Vitamin A and lends a helping hand in the healing and regeneration of tissues. Zinc also reduces the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which shrinks sebum production.

Most acne sufferers lack Selenium, which plays a crucial role in the action of the enzyme Gluthathione Peroxidase that prevents the inflammation of the hair follicle. Vitamin E minimizes this process and plays a vital part in the action of Vitamin A and Selenium.

Friendly bacteria, Acidophilus, can check injurious intestinal bacteria including yeasts such as Candida albicans. You can take in Acidophilus either in gel capsule form or as yogurt with live culture.

Benozyl peroxide reduces pimples and is effective for acne. You can have it in cream or lotion form.

Creams containing sulphur are also useful in treating acne

Medications containing iodide and bromide can worsen your acne condition so stay away from such products.

All these things are medicines, all of which may have side effects and should not be taken without a prescription and the guidance of a doctor.

Good News For Foodies

You will be glad to know that chocolate or fried foods do not cause acne. These foods are often seen as unhealthy food habits and therefore "must be" related to skin breakouts, but this theory has no scientific backing.

However, foods which are high in refined sugar, trans-fatty acid (milk products) oxidized fatty acids (fried oils) and synthetically hydrogenated vegetable oil contents may not cause acne but are definitely not very good for your health, and so an excess of these foods should be avoided. You can be infected with intestinal toxemia if your diet is low on fiber and essential vitamins and high on these contents. The result of glut of toxins may show on your skin.

Some Natural Remedies Of Adult Acne

The good news about the use of natural things is that they come without the risk of side effects.

Name And Fame Of Some Natural Ingredients

Azelaic acid

This acid makes the keratin production stable and you will get almost same results as using Benzoyl- Peroxide or oral antibiotics.

Tea Tree Oil

Reduces acne with its antibacterial and antifungal qualities.

Green Tea

A renowned antioxidant, which trims down inflammation and infection

Topical Vitamin C And E

Both are strong antioxidants, which improve skin condition by diminishing inflammation and infection.

Fruit Acids (AHAs And BHAs)

These acids gently exfoliate your skin, leaving it smooth.

Some Tips To Control Outbursts Of Adult Acne

Cleanse your face with a mild soap or sulphur soap but do not rub your face with a towel.

Never ever pick or squeeze the zits, it will only worsen your skin condition.

Some acne treatment products will hike up your skin's photosensitivity so when you are using these products, use a sunscreen and wear a hat when you are out. Avoid the tanning booths while using these products as well.

Try to avoid the use of oil-based products on your skin. To prevent the clogging of pores use only "noncomdomedogenic" skin products

Try to avoid friction from sports equipment and airborne grease from fast food places; these can make your acne worse.

Along with a good diet include at least 8 to ten glasses of water in your daily regimen to keep your system clean and the skin glowing

Choosing the right path will help your skin get rid of adult acne scars. Make your skin dazzle with a smooth glow by following the tips in this article.

Natural Acne Treatments For A Healthier Skin: Part 2

Treat Acne Naturally With An Acne Diet

The importance of nutrition in preventing, controlling and eliminating acne has already been touched upon. Let us take a closer look at how controlling what we eat can treat acne naturally. Without a question your diet can influence the way you look and feel. Research has shown time and again that certain food items make you feel good while some make you unwell and unhealthy. It is good for you to identify those food types which are healthy for you and to include these in your diet.

An Acne Food Plan

1. If you suffer from acne, it will be helpful to reduce your intake of milk. Your acne meal plan should not have more than maximum two glasses of milk per day. There are a number of hormones in cow's milk which can be harmful to your skin.

2. Eat a lot of fish. Fish is well known to have the omega 3 oils that are so good for the heart and surprisingly also for the skin. Hence, if you want a natural acne remedy, you need to eat more fish.

3. Have as little sugar as you can. Sweets, sugary drinks, cookies, chocolates and similar things which contain sugar should be avoided at all costs to help remedy acne by natural means.

4. Studies have shown that the levels of sebum in and on the skin are directly related to the presence of acne. Adopting a plant-based, low fat food diet may help to reduce the levels of sebum in and on your skin, thereby improving your acne.

5. Try and increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet which are loaded with acne-fighting vitamins and antioxidants.

The goal in treating acne whether by natural means or conventional medications, is to reduce the levels of sebum (oils) in and on your skin. Concentrate on keeping your skin oil-free with a healthy acne meal plan.

Vitamins For A Natural Acne Remedy

Like other organs of the body, skin needs the correct amount of vitamins for its health. The skin defends the body against external harmful agents as well as excreting toxic compounds through glands and pores. Therefore, it is matter of common sense to conclude the importance of taking the necessary amount of vitamins for acne to assist the body's healing mechanism. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals that can be used as part of a natural acne treatment regimen. For more advice on vitamins and antioxidants.

Vitamin A

Studies have revealed that reduced levels of vitamin A in the body can result in or aggravate acne. The main process whereby vitamin A prevents or improves acne is by reducing the production of sebum ( a natural oil that is produced in the skin to lubricate it). Vitamin A also serves another necessary function for the skin and overall health by serving as an antioxidant. Antioxidants help to eliminate toxic free radicals in the body. Green leafy vegetables, yellow or orange fruits and carrots are the best natural sources for vitamin A.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is actually a group of vitamins containing Thiamine (vitamin B1), Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Niacin (also called Nicotinic Acid/Niacinamide, vitaminB3), Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). The vitamin B complex help to keep the skin's health. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is notably important due to its antioxidant role . A lack of vitamin B can precipitate or exacerbate acne. Natural food sources of vitamin B complex include sweet potatoes, avocados, green pepper, chickpeas, bananas, blackcurrants and watermelons.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps in in the production of collagen in the body. Collagen is the connective tissue found in skin and bones. Also, vitamin C fortifies immunity and fights against infections. One should bear in mind that acne is a skin infection and improving immune function assists in the fight against acne. Vitamin C also boosts the body's healing powers and helps in the absorption of iron. Smoking, taking antibiotics or oral contraceptives depletes your body's vitamin C levels. If you fall into any of these categories, you will need to proportionately increase your vitamin C intake. Natural sources of vitamin C are oranges, grapefruit, lemons, blackcurrants and blackberries.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another vital vitamin for a natural acne treatment. It has antioxidant properties that work to heal and repair skin tissues. Vitamin E protects against cellular damage by checking the oxidation of fats and also by inhibiting the development of free radicals. A recommended daily dose of vitamin E is 400 IU.

Besides the use of vitamins to improve symptoms of acne, the minerals zinc and chromium are also effective in the battle against acne.

In conclusion, there are several natural acne remedies which acne sufferers can try that have been shown to be effective in eliminating acne. Investigate each treatment option carefully and choose the right one for your skin.

Natural Acne Treatments For A Healthier Skin: Part 1

Natural Acne Treatment

Acne sufferers have most probably studied, heard and read of many miraculous cures, which supposedly can cure your acne overnight. It's a medical fact that acne cannot be cured. Acne is a skin disorder that a person must grow out of. Don’t spend your time and money on overnight remedies. Instead, take a minute and understand your own skin disorder so you can discover the right treatment for it.

It is important to understand from the outset that each person is different and therefore a remedy that works wonders for some people may fail completely on others. You have to decide whether you want to try conventional medical acne treatments or natural acne remedies. Chemical formulations and pharmaceutical products can trigger allergic, toxic and other adverse reactions. Natural acne treatments tend to be more gentle on the body, but results can be slower.

Natural Acne Treatment Guide

Nature's way to treat acne includes changing your diet, improving bowel function, cleansing the internal body organs using herbal products and avoiding certain foods. For more information on treating acne, visit http://www.treatingacne-inc.com

Changing Your Diet

You need to stop eating foods that poison your insides. Two important elements to eliminate from your daily meals are sugar and fats. Refined sugar should be stopped altogether from entering your system. This means eliminating sugary drinks such as sodas and certain fruit juices, sweets, candy and other sugary treats. Sugar is however required as a quick source of energy for the body. There are suitable substitutes in the form of nutritional supplements, some examples being 'Superfoods' or 'Green Drinks'. These supplements increase the body's antioxidant levels which also helps as a natural remedy for acne.

Among fats, hydrogenated oils should be cut completely out your diet. This means avoiding cookies, cakes, desserts, snack crackers and all other sources of bad fats. The best foodstuffs to replace these fats are the natural oils such as olive oil, cod liver oil, and coconut oil as well as nuts and seeds.

Food Combinations

Eating the right combination of food items is an integral part of a natural acne treatment regimen. Nutritionists suggest that you eat fruit by itself without mixing them with other food types, and particularly not following a heavy meal. Vegetables should be cooked or eaten either with oil or meat, but not combined with both in one go. Salad is perfectly acceptable to be combined with all different kinds of vegetables. Finally, starches (bread, pasta, potatoes etc.) should not be eaten together with meats.

Other Harmful Food Substances

As part of the natural acne remedy, you must stop taking harmful ingredients for example Monosodium glutamate or MSG (found in Chinese foods, processed meats and tenderizers) and the neurotoxin Aspartame (used as an artificial sweetener in diet drinks).

Internal Body Cleansing

The chief focus of natural acne treatment is internal body cleansing. This functions differently for different body organs such as kidneys and liver. Again, select a herbal formula for cleansing each of these organs.

Bowel Movement

While the majority of people have their bowels emptied once every 24 hours, natural bowel movement should be more often. In addition, a a bowel emptying should take place in 30 seconds. If it takes more than that, the digestion is slow, mainly because of the presence of difficult-to-digest foodstuffs. The poisonous waste is therefore staying dormant in the intestines for some time and this ultimately results in acne. The best method to make your bowels work easily is to cease eating processed foods and red meat, or reduce their intake. Alternatively, use any of the effective herbal formulations available in the market. '4 Total Cleanse' is one such recognized herbal formula for acne that works by improving bowel function.

Parasite Cleansing

The next stage in the natural acne treatment is cleansing your gut of parasites that can precipitate infections and result in acne. Herbal treatments are available for parasite cleansing and you can use them in combination with herbal formulations for bowel movements.

Natural acne remedies work gradually and sometimes relatively slowly thus, do not expect a miraculous recovery no matter what type of natural acne treatment you are trying out. Follow the treatment as indicated and don’t pause midway because you see some signs of improvement. At times you may need to use the treatment even after your acne has totally improved.Don’t be taken in by myths and cure remedies that have not first been approved by your medical doctor as you may further irritate your skin disorder and cause even more damage than repair.

For more, effective natural acne remedies, see part 2 of this article.

What Is Body Acne And What Can Be Done?

Body acne can plague the skin of all parts of the body. The skin is the largest organ on the body and contains many layers with the most common layer being the epidermis. This layer covers the whole body and is made up of hairs, oil glands, nerves and nerve endings, sweat glands, blood vessels, cells, and sensory cells. The environment plays a huge part in causing a film to be placed upon the body everyday. Germs and dirt attach onto the skin in everyday life, which makes cleaning the skin essential.

Body acne can appear anywhere on the body. The most frequent place for most acne is on the face, followed by other parts of the body. The chest, shoulders, back and even buttocks can become the affected areas on the body. Many cases of body acne are caused by external objects, for example a purse strap, which may cause friction and result in acne-prone areas. The dirt that may be on the strap can transfer onto the skin, thus providing the bacteria and consequentially causing acne. Sports equipment can be a contributing factor, as the bacteria that has remained on the equipment can transfer to skin and cause inflamed areas. Many dermatologists suggest wearing clothing that will wick away the moisture and keep skin area protected from any underlying microorganisms. The buttocks can become crucial areas for body acne to appear, as there is an inevitable factor of friction of clothing always providing an irritant. Taking care of any affected area will help to lessen the problem of acne.

Suggestions for combating body acne include taking vitamins to boost nutrients in the body and to provide healthy tissue growth and prevent continuous outbreaks. Bathing regularly and using a topical ointment can provide a relief from problem areas. If acne becomes a larger problem, consulting a dermatologist can provide solutions to combat body acne. Sun exposure, while previously considered a treatment, is no longer recommended. While the skin does become darker eliminating the red marks, more skin damage can occur unless proper precautions are taken. Consistent sunbathing will dry the skin and will result in more production of oil. Old sun-exposed cells will slough off more frequently, mixing with skin oils, and will result in a greater chance of blocked pores.

Getting enough quality sleep and loading up on beneficial food and lots of water can ensure the best possible environment for the healthiest skin. Body acne can also be treated with hormonal medications and prescriptions from a dermatologist. Avoiding tight-fitting clothing and using an exfoliant like a loofah sponge in the bath or shower can help keep dead cells off the skin’s surface and away from follicles and pores. Body acne can cause problems, but following just a few simple indications can help combat a controllable situation.

How To Treat Your Acne At Home

Home treatment for acne includes care from the inside out, as well as taking good care of your skin.

Cleanse your face using a cleanser appropriate for your skin type, that will not dry out your face or leave it greasy.

Diet can be important, although there is some debate as to whether certain foods exacerbate acne. Keep track of when your breakouts are worst, and if there seems to be a particluar food that causes flareups, cut it out of your diet.

Remember that good nutrition will have a positive effect on your complexion. If you are not eating properly, consider a multivitamin daily, as well as taking MSM, which enables your body to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

Remember that exfoliation is important to remove skin cells that may lead to clogged pores. Be careful if you have sensitive skin, as this may aggravate the condition. Instead of a grainy scrub, you may want to look for a product with buffered chemical exfoliants, and remember to test any product on a small patch of skin to make sure you are not going to react negatively to it.

There are many over the counter treatments for acne. Salicylic acid helps cell turnover, and benzoyl peroxide is an effective way to reduce the number of bacteria on the skin, and reduce inflammation associated with pimples. It is best to apply a small amount all over the face, because there is little you can do about the acne you actually see; it is more about preventing the blemishes that are forming beneath the surface.

If, even after using the above preventive and treatment measures, don't be afraid to talk to your doctor. There have been many advances in acne treatment, and your doctor may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics or lotions and creams to help you deal with your condition more effectively.

There is no reason you need to suffer alone. Acne can be embarrassing, but the feeling of finally being able to control it is worth anything you need to do to get there!

Acne Medications for Quick Recovery

Read this Medication Guide every time you get a prescription or a refill for Accutane (ACK-u-tane). There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking with your prescriber (doctor or other health care provider).

What is the most important information I should know about Accutane?

Accutane is used to treat a type of severe acne (nodular acne) that has not been helped by other treatments, including antibiotics. However, Accutane can cause serious side effects. Before starting Accutane, discuss with your prescriber how bad your acne is, the possible benefits of Accutane, and its possible side effects, to decide if Accutane is right for you. Your prescriber will ask you to read and sign a form or forms indicating you understand some of the serious risks of Accutane.

Possible serious side effects of taking Accutane include birth defects and mental disorders.

1. Birth defects. Accutane can cause birth defects (deformed babies) if taken by a pregnant woman. It can also cause miscarriage (losing the baby before birth), premature (early) birth, or death of the baby. Do not take Accutane if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while you are taking Accutane. Do not get pregnant for 1 month after you stop taking Accutane. Also, if you get pregnant while taking Accutane, stop taking it right away and call your prescriber.

All females should read the section in this Medication Guide "What are the important warnings for females taking Accutane?"

2. Mental problems and suicide. Some patients, while taking Accutane or soon after stopping Accutane, have become depressed or developed other serious mental problems. Symptoms of these problems include sad, "anxious" or empty mood, irritability, anger, loss of pleasure or interest in social or sports activities, sleeping too much or too little, changes in weight or appetite, school or work performance going down, or trouble concentrating. Some patients taking Accutane have had thoughts about hurting themselves or putting an end to their own lives (suicidal thoughts). Some people tried to end their own lives. And some people have ended their own lives. There were reports that some of these people did not appear depressed. No one knows if Accutane caused these behaviors or if they would have happened even if the person did not take Accutane.

All patients should read the section in this Medication Guide "What are the signs of mental problems?"

For other possible serious side effects of Accutane, see "What are the possible side effects of Accutane?" in this Medication Guide.

What are the important warnings for females taking Accutane?

You must not become pregnant while taking Accutane, or for 1 month after you stop taking Accutane. Accutane can cause severe birth defects in babies of women who take it while they are pregnant, even if they take Accutane for only a short time. There is an extremely high risk that your baby will be deformed or will die if you are pregnant while taking Accutane. Taking Accutane also increases the chance of miscarriage and premature births.

Female patients will not get their first prescription for Accutane unless there is proof they have had 2 negative pregnancy tests. The first test must be done when your prescriber decides to prescribe Accutane. The second pregnancy test must be done during the first 5 days of the menstrual period right before starting Accutane therapy, or as instructed by your prescriber. Each month of treatment, you must have a negative result from a urine or serum pregnancy test. Female patients cannot get another prescription for Accutane unless there is proof that they have had a negative pregnancy test.

A yellow self-adhesive Accutane Qualification Sticker on your prescription indicates to the pharmacist that you are qualified by your prescriber to get Accutane.

While you are taking Accutane, you must use effective birth control. You must use 2 separate effective forms of birth control at the same time for at least 1 month before starting Accutane, while you take it, and for 1 month after you stop taking it. You can either discuss effective birth control methods with your prescriber or go for a free visit to discuss birth control with another physician or family planning expert. Your prescriber can arrange this free visit, which will be paid for by the manufacturer.

You must use 2 separate forms of effective birth control because any method, including birth control pills and sterilization, can fail. There are only 2 reasons you would not need to use 2 separate methods of effective birth control:

1. You have had your womb removed by surgery (a hysterectomy).

2. You are absolutely certain you will not have genital-to-genital sexual contact with a male before, during, and for 1 month after Accutane treatment.

If you have sex at any time without using 2 forms of effective birth control, get pregnant, or miss your period, stop using Accutane and call your prescriber right away.

All patients should read the rest of this Medication Guide.

What are the signs of mental problems?

Tell your prescriber if, to the best of your knowledge, you or someone in your family has ever had any mental illness, including depression, suicidal behavior, or psychosis. Psychosis means a loss of contact with reality, such as hearing voices or seeing things that are not there. Also, tell your prescriber if you take medicines for any of these problems.

Stop using Accutane and tell your provider right away if you:

? Start to feel sad or have crying spells

? Lose interest in activities you once enjoyed

? Sleep too much or have trouble sleeping

? Become more irritable than usual

? Have a change in your appetite or body weight

? Have trouble concentrating

? Withdraw from your friends or family

? Feel like you have no energy

? Have feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt

? Start having thoughts about hurting yourself or taking your own life (suicidal thoughts)

What is Accutane?

Accutane is used to treat the most severe form of acne (nodular acne) that cannot be cleared up by any other acne treatments, including antibiotics. In severe nodular acne, many red, swollen, tender lumps form in the skin. These can be the size of pencil erasers or larger. If untreated, nodular acne can lead to permanent scars. However, because Accutane can have serious side effects, you should talk with your prescriber about all of the possible treatments for your acne, and whether Accutane?s possible benefits outweigh its possible risks.

Who should not take Accutane?

? Do not take Accutane if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or become pregnant during Accutane treatment. Accutane causes severe birth defects. All females should read the section "What are the important warnings for females taking Accutane?" for more information and warnings about Accutane and pregnancy.

? Do not take Accutane unless you completely understand its possible risks and are willing to follow all of the instructions in this Medication Guide.

Tell your prescriber if you or someone in your family has had any kind of mental problems, asthma, liver disease, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis (bone loss), weak bones, anorexia nervosa (an eating disorder where people eat too little), or any other important health problems. Tell your prescriber about any food or drug allergies you have had in the past. These problems do not necessarily mean you cannot take Accutane, but your prescriber needs this information to discuss if Accutane is right for you.

How should I take Accutane?

? You will get no more than a 30-day supply of Accutane at a time, to be sure you check in with your prescriber each month to discuss side effects.

? Your prescription should have a special yellow self-adhesive sticker attached to it. The sticker is YELLOW. If your prescription does not have this yellow self-adhesive sticker, call your prescriber. The pharmacy should not fill your prescription unless it has the yellow self-adhesive sticker.

? The amount of Accutane you take has been specially chosen for you and may change during treatment.

? You will take Accutane 2 times a day with a meal, unless your prescriber tells you otherwise. Swallow your Accutane capsules with a full glass of liquid. This will help prevent the medication inside the capsule from irritating the lining of your esophagus (connection between mouth and stomach). For the same reason, do not chew or suck on the capsule.

? If you miss a dose, just skip that dose. Do not take 2 doses the next time.

? You should return to your prescriber as directed to make sure you don?t have signs of serious side effects. Because some of Accutane?s serious side effects show up in blood tests, some of these visits may involve blood tests (monthly visits for female patients should always include a urine or serum pregnancy test).

What should I avoid while taking Accutane?

? Do not get pregnant while taking Accutane. See "What is the most important information I should know about Accutane?" and "What are the important warnings for females taking Accutane?"

? Do not breast feed while taking Accutane and for 1 month after stopping Accutane. We do not know if Accutane can pass through your milk and harm the baby.

? Do not give blood while you take Accutane and for 1 month after stopping Accutane. If someone who is pregnant gets your donated blood, her baby may be exposed to Accutane and may be born with birth defects.

? Do not take vitamin A supplements. Vitamin A in high doses has many of the same side effects as Accutane. Taking both together may increase your chance of getting side effects.

? Do not have cosmetic procedures to smooth your skin, including waxing, dermabrasion, or laser procedures, while you are using Accutane and for at least 6 months after you stop. Accutane can increase your chance of scarring from these procedures. Check with your prescriber for advice about when you can have cosmetic procedures.

? Avoid sunlight and ultraviolet lights as much as possible. Tanning machines use ultraviolet lights. Accutane may make your skin more sensitive to light.

? Do not use birth control pills that do not contain estrogen ("minipills"). They may not work while you take Accutane. Ask your prescriber or pharmacist if you are not sure what type you are using.

? Talk with your doctor if you plan to take other drugs or herbal products. This is especially important for patients using birth control pills and other hormonal types of birth control because the birth control may not work as effectively if you are taking certain drugs or herbal products. You should not take the herbal supplement St. John?s Wort because this herbal supplement may make birth control pills not work as effectively.

? Talk with your doctor if you are currently taking an oral or injected corticosteroid or anticonvulsant (seizure) medication prior to using Accutane. These drugs may weaken your bones.

? Do not share Accutane with other people. It can cause birth defects and other serious health problems.

? Do not take Accutane with antibiotics unless you talk to your prescriber. For some antibiotics, you may have to stop taking Accutane until the antibiotic treatment is finished. Use of both drugs together can increase the chances of getting increased pressure in the brain.

What are the possible side effects of Accutane?

Accutane has possible serious side effects

? Accutane can cause birth defects, premature births, and death in babies whose mothers took Accutane while they were pregnant. See "What is the most important information I should know about Accutane?" and "What are the important warnings for females taking Accutane?"

? Serious mental health problems. See "What is the most important information I should know about Accutane?"

? Serious brain problems. Accutane can increase the pressure in your brain. This can lead to permanent loss of sight, or in rare cases, death. Stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber right away if you get any of these signs of increased brain pressure: bad headache, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, or vomiting. Also, some patients taking Accutane have had seizures (convulsions) or stroke.

? Abdomen (stomach area) problems. Certain symptoms may mean that your internal organs are being damaged. These organs include the liver, pancreas, bowel (intestines), and esophagus (connection between mouth and stomach). If your organs are damaged, they may not get better even after you stop taking Accutane. Stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber if you get severe stomach, chest or bowel pain, trouble swallowing or painful swallowing, new or worsening heartburn, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, yellowing of your skin or eyes, or dark urine.

? Bone and muscle problems. Accutane may affect bones, muscles, and ligaments and cause pain in your joints or muscles. Tell your prescriber if you plan vigorous physical activity during treatment with Accutane. Tell your prescriber if you develop pain, particularly back pain or joint pain. There are reports that some patients have had stunted growth after taking Accutane for acne as directed. There are also some reports of broken bones or reduced healing of broken bones after taking Accutane for acne as directed. No one knows if taking Accutane for acne will affect your bones. If you have a broken bone, tell your provider that you are taking Accutane. Muscle weakness with or without pain can be a sign of serious muscle damage. If this happens, stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber right away.

? Hearing problems. Some people taking Accutane have developed hearing problems. It is possible that hearing loss can be permanent. Stop using Accutane and call your prescriber if your hearing gets worse or if you have ringing in your ears.

? Vision problems. While taking Accutane you may develop a sudden inability to see in the dark, so driving at night can be dangerous. This condition usually clears up after you stop taking Accutane, but it may be permanent. Other serious eye effects can occur. Stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber right away if you have any problems with your vision or dryness of the eyes that is painful or constant.

? Lipid (fats and cholesterol in blood) problems. Many people taking Accutane develop high levels of cholesterol and other fats in their blood. This can be a serious problem. Return to your prescriber for blood tests to check your lipids and to get any needed treatment. These problems generally go away when Accutane treatment is finished.

? Allergic reactions. In some people, Accutane can cause serious allergic reactions. Stop taking Accutane and get emergency care right away if you develop hives, a swollen face or mouth, or have trouble breathing. Stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber if you develop a fever, rash, or red patches or bruises on your legs.

? Signs of other possibly serious problems. Accutane may cause other problems. Tell your prescriber if you have trouble breathing (shortness of breath), are fainting, are very thirsty or urinate a lot, feel weak, have leg swelling, convulsions, slurred speech, problems moving, or any other serious or unusual problems. Frequent urination and thirst can be signs of blood sugar problems.

Serious permanent problems do not happen often. However, because the symptoms listed above may be signs of serious problems, if you get these symptoms, stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber. If not treated, they could lead to serious health problems. Even if these problems are treated, they may not clear up after you stop taking Accutane.

Accutane has less serious possible side effects

The common less serious side effects of Accutane are dry skin, chapped lips, dry eyes, and dry nose that may lead to nosebleeds. People who wear contact lenses may have trouble wearing them while taking Accutane and after therapy. Sometimes, people?s acne may get worse for a while. They should continue taking Accutane unless told to stop by their prescriber.

These are not all of Accutane?s possible side effects. Your prescriber or pharmacist can give you more detailed information that is written for health care professionals.

This Medication Guide is only a summary of some important information about Accutane. Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication Guide. If you have any concerns or questions about Accutane, ask your prescriber. Do not use Accutane for a condition for which it was not prescribed.

Active Ingredient: Isotretinoin.

Inactive Ingredients: beeswax, butylated hydroxyanisole, edetate disodium, hydrogenated soybean oil flakes, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and soybean oil. Gelatin capsules contain glycerin and parabens (methyl and propyl), with the following dye systems: 10 mg ? iron oxide (red) and titanium dioxide; 20 mg ? FD&C Red No. 3, FD&C Blue No. 1, and titanium dioxide; 40 mg ? FD&C Yellow No. 6, D&C Yellow No. 10, and titanium dioxide.